I'm currently conducting a study on sleep deprivation, and the idea is to go on as little sleep as possible before I just collapse in mid-stride like one of those Sims characters who's been awake for too long. Pretty soon, I'll be in the middle of fixing breakfast then I'll just pass out on the kitchen floor and no one will be able to wake me until I'm back in the green on the Energy meter. And yes, I am a bit of a computer geek - if I haven't made that abundantly clear by now.
A recap on my Boston trip is soon to come, but not just now - not while I have one firing synapse working overtime.
"With insomnia, nothing is real.
Everything is far away. Everything
is a copy of a copy of a copy."
- Fight Club (a flick I need to watch again soon, as it's been awhile)
And just because I went to a viewing of this last night and I'm still laughing, here's an episode of Yacht Rock:
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