Monday, September 21, 2009

Song of the Day - Lady Gaga

I know, I know. Before you crucify me for being a complete sell-out/mainstream whore, let me explain. Yes, I have been living in the Castro for almost two years and spend the majority of my free time with gay men who could very well be brainwashing me to love Britney and Beyonce and the like. But despite any of that, I am actually incredibly fascinated by Lady Gaga. She is not a particularly pretty girl (besides having a seriously bumpin' body) and I appreciate that she doesn't try to be your cookie-cutter bombshell/vixen/pop star-tramp. Oh, she's a tramp, no doubt about that - but she looks like she'll fuck you and kick your ass, and not necessarily in that order. She's a true performer - bold, controversial, and a wee bit cuckoo. She WANTS to shock you and make you a little uncomfortable. I totally buy into it. Her music alone doesn't do that much for me - but her presence, her persona, and the complete Lady Gaga package is seriously a force to be reckoned with. I honestly respect this girl.

And this was just plain nuts:

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