Friday, May 16, 2008

Thoughts for the Week

1) Stella + Vodka + Tequila = Crazy Amanda
2) Connect 4 connects 2 (connects 3?) then disconnects 1 and suddenly, the game is over. I didn't like this fucking game anyway.
3) Everybody has an ugly side. Some people's ugly side is uglier than others, but we've all got it. And it can rear its head at the most inopportune time. The question is: Can we truly expect others to forgive us our ugliness if we refuse to forgive them theirs? When is it time to distance yourself from a "friend" who has suddenly shown a very ugly side? Just how much is forgivable? Yeah, I don't know. That's why I'm asking.
4) David Cook is going to obliterate David Archutah.
5) Trust the universe and don't fight the forces. Either something is going to work or it's not. You have to trust in that or you'll just be beating your head on concrete. Be patient.
6) Patience is a virtue I lack.
7) It's easy to take your rights for granted. You're simply born with the right to do certain things, and it's hard to imagine otherwise. Then, when you see someone else given that right you've always had but taken for granted, you realize just how very blessed you've been over the years. (Happy Day. Let's drink!)
8) I'm still not convinced my phone is working properly.

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