Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Song(s) of the Day - St. Etienne & Roxy Music

So I've been battling my internal perfectionist recently, which is nothing new. The cause of the fight this time is the "new" blog I've been aspiring to create, which has ceased to materialize into something that bitch is satisfied with. Unfortunately for both of us, I haven't had the time/energy necessary to devote to this mini-project of mine, so we're settling with the status quo for now.

Life has been INSANE recently - although to say "recently" would imply it's not usually insane, which - HA! - we all know is certainly not true. My life is generally never dull or anything resembling sane, at least not for very long, anyway. I've actually been told that I'm "proficient at complicating [my] life." I don't even have to try, that's the beauty of it - it just comes naturally.

My keyboard has suddenly decided to sabotage my attempt to write a longer post by delaying my keystrokes, which is somewhat maddening, so I'm going to go back to watching The Tudors so I can lick the screen every time Henry Cavill comes on.

Oh, but first - this is for V:

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