Friday, July 31, 2009

Oh my yed

The fourteen-year-old English girl inside me LOVES this damn song. Even with its painfully forced English accent ("My yed"? C'mon, you're from Cali, dude) and the I'm-so-emo-I-can-hardly-stand-myself lyrics. I'm fully aware that by acknowledging my love for this song, I'm basically aligning my music tastes with the type of suburban white male in his twenties who uses a song like this to demonstrate his deep, sensitive side (because spiders "catching things and eating their insides" is hella deep). But I'm otherwise comfortable enough with my music tastes to be ok with that.

The video for this song is actually very goth-fab but these bitches are so mainstream they disabled embedding abilities. So you just get the song here. Which you probably hate unless you also have a fourteen-year-old English girl living inside you.

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