Talking about all that was making me just really miss my family and want to be closer to them. I mentioned to Mom - very hesitatingly, mind you - that Mark and John and I had been discussing over dinner the other night that there is a chance we all could end up in - gulp - Salt Lake again someday. Her response: "Ya - HOOOOOOOO!!!" I think she'd be cool with it.
It could be just my rapidly progressing insanity combined with this perpetual state of sleep deprivation I'm in, but at the moment I actually kinda believe it. It wouldn't be for years from now - seriously, I just moved and am not looking to start fresh yet again so soon - but could be in the long term plan. It did kind of get to me when a couple of weeks ago the boys and my parents were all in SLC with Dennis and his whole crazy brood, and I was the only one not there. Poor Mom got to deal with me blubbering on the phone to her, but that's nothing new.
Anyway, just feeling extremely grateful to have a family I not only love, but actually kinda like, too - and I feel like I'm missing opportunities to enjoy them more, particularly Dennis's kids who are just so amazing. I haven't even met Gracie yet, and she'll be turning one in a couple of months.
Two of my fantabulous nieces who can't help but be natural badasses:
I do love SF at this stage of my life - not really feeling like home yet, but we're getting used to each other, and it's been a perfect healing place for me. I got a view of the city from across the bay today and it took my breath away. I mean, seriously, it's ridiculous how picturesque this city is. I wouldn't be opposed to spending maybe 4-5 years here then possibly moving on at that point, and SLC is just a thought. When you discount all the psycho-mormons, it's actually not a bad place. If there's one thing I've learned though, it's that you can't really plan for anything too far in advance. I suppose you never know what life is going to bring; anything could happen.
Like Mom said on the phone tonight: "What is life, anyway? It's a damn mystery, that's what it is."
I really like her.
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