1. the French (It IS Bastille Day, after all!) - for their lovely language that I so desperately want to know, their butter croissants that kept me (blissfully) alive on my travels, their brilliance with wine-making and the many joys it has brought to my wino life, their warm hospitality whenever I have visited their country, and their good genes from which have come many god-like creatures who make this world a more beautiful place! See: Melvil Poupaud
2. Page France - (another French reference, I know, but NOT intentional) for giving me little-girl goosebumps from your songs, and for being so goddamn repeatable.
3. the Internet - without which I would be lost, a mere shadow of myself - and without e-mail and networking sites, I would quite possibly have no friends because I, Master of Communications, am a not-so-good communicator.
4. San Francisco - for coming to my rescue when I needed you.
5. popcorn shrimp - just because it tastes good.
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