(I'm borrowing some thoughts from other people because my head's a little tired of thinking...)*
1) "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss
2) “Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” -?
3) "I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes." - Edna St. Vincent Millay
4) "If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days." -Sylvia Plath
5) "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." James A. Baldwin
6) "Love that is not madness is not love." -Pedro Calderon de la Barca
7) "I usually get myself into situations that cause sparks. I mean I'm a girl that likes the storms. I love feeling alive, I love walking out in the cold in my bare feet and feeling the ice on my toes." - Tori Amos
8)" ... take care of the problems now, or else you'll just have to suffer again later when you screw everything up the next time. And that repetition of suffering - that's hell. Moving out of that endless repetition to a new level of understanding - there's where you'll find heaven." -Elizabeth Gilbert
9) "There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them." - Sylvia Plath
*The image comes from http://postsecret.blogspot.com.
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