A new playlist I made - this will hopefully make up for my blog negligence these last couple of weeks. I'm actually working on a couple of new blogs and will soon have one specific to all things musical - for all you silly music junkies.
It's funny what idle time does to a person. When you don't have free time, you sit and dream of all the things you would do if you had the time: learn a foreign language, read one of those books on the shelf you keep meaning to, start that novel that's been swimming around your brain for months. And then, the time finally comes at last, and you find that you piss it away on things like Photofunia.com. Ooh, but what 'funia' it is!
Oh, and here's your song for the day:
So this is a little weird because there's no visual to go with this 'video' but I was jonesin for this song, and this is the best I could come up with. I may replace this later if I find a better version.